The Demand-Side Management Innovation Initiative

Over the course of 11 months, from November 2020 to September 2021, the Demand Side Management Innovation Initiative (DSMII) sought to engage Great River Energy (GRE) and their member electric cooperatives in an ongoing discussion and exploration of the role of DSM in the changing energy landscape. 

Created as a joint initiative between GRE, the University of Minnesota, the Great Plains Institute (GPI), and Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs), DSMII served as a collective brainstorming and deliberation process for the examination of the value of DSM to GRE and its member co-ops, as well as the future of DSM programs. DSMII’s structure represents a replicable model for research-informed engagement within a generation and transmission cooperative system to facilitate collective deliberation.  


Chan, Gabriel, Matthew Grimley, Jamison Stallman, Eric Barry, Lissa Pawlisch, and Trevor Drake. 2021. The Demand-Side Management Innovation Initiative: Final Report. Electric Cooperative Innovation Center.


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